New Words. For New Growth.



Did we say: Good Word? A marvellous Word! Of course: Not a new word. Many people tend to use it. Some of them all the time. Most of the word’s users, however, don’t use it in a pure way. In an untainted way. They tamper with it. They wear it down. They say: »Yesyes«, meaning: »Leave me alone«. They say: »Yes, but«, meaning: »Perhaps« or »Not now« or »No« right away. Accomplished »Yes-tainters« say: »Yes, and . . .«, followed by add-ons used to turn the initial consent into the opposite. Some use it this way altogether, saying »Yes«, meaning »No!« If we were to change our way of speaking; if we were to gain new awareness for the words we use: »Yes« sure is a good start for it. Care to try? Try saying »Yes« to the first person you speak to. Nothing else. And mean it. No condition tied to it. Now watch what happens. How does the other person react? But also: How does your »self« react, too. Especially your self. How does it feel – how do you feel? No reaction? No feeling? Neither without nor within? Try again, same person. Or next one. Keep trying. Start watching your breathing while »yessing«. Start watching your face (from the inside) while doing so. Start combining your »yessing« with a smile. By and by, you’ll learn to feel: »Yessing«, pure, untainted, has the power to put things in motion. To change things. Positively, of course.

»Yes« is supposed to be perfectly clear: Consent. Agreed. This way. However, it came to be used in the opposite direction as well, thus creating utter confusion.

Yes – perfectly clear: This way. Then again: That way?

This is how words (are supposed to) work. Better select your words carefully:

»Words are chosen to reduce alternatives or uncertainty.«

The Oxford Handbook of the Word