




No big surprise: It's hard to change what we aren't aware of. What we do automatically. Take »Speech«, for instance. »Whaatt?«, you might say, »I'm perfectly aware of what I'm saying!« Yes. You may be right. But then: It isn't as easy as that. We may think before we speak. We may ponder what to say. Ponder even how to say it. But still: It's hard to leave tracks, leave patterns, automatics behind. In speech as in walking, in gesture as in handwriting. Seamus Heaney, Irish poet (and Nobel laureate at that), once said, while writing he sometimes imagines to have a limited amount of words at disposal in life. Amount spent, no more writing. Nor talking. That's a good starting point for awareness in speech. In makes choosey. Precise. Ambitious. And demanding. Maybe even more truthful? It makes us wonder: What is important? What impact do I care to make? Why? Don't get us wrong: It's not about big talk with big words. It's more like using »Yes« more often than »No« in the right places. Right moments. Seriously, gravely, reliably, authentically uttered. Just to have right things really happen. Instead of having them stop. To start change with impact, that is.

New Ways to New Words.
Ideas, Ideals and Suggestions.

(*Give us a little time to let our ideas take shape here. We'll try to keep simple whatever we'll come up with here. As keeping things simple means to keep it easy to try things out. And succeed. But still, however simple it may be in the end, it takes some time to write it down.)

This is truly great: Words changing into bodies. Realities. Unuttered, they disappear. Even get forgotten. Not only the thought, but the real that was to come out of the word. How sad. If it was a good word. A good thought. A good body-to-be:

»I have forgotten the word I intended to say, and my thought, unembodied, returns to the realm of shadows.«

Ossip Emiljewitsch Mandelstam (1891 – 1938) — Russian Poet

This is truly great 2: Words have a way of changing color, effect, impact, according to background / context: