

To be, being, is the most beautiful word of all. It's the most significant. The most relevant. Without being there is – nothing. Sad that we human beings (!) should have a talent to disregard what's most important. Even waste it. We say: To reflect on Change is of no point without reflecting on what can be. On what can be after that. On what must be after it. After? Yes: After something has changed. After we've changed it (if we succeeded in changing it). After we've changed ourselves. We often do this kind of reflecting with our clients. Astonishing results. Surprising findings. New knowledge, too.

Ways into New Being.
Ideas, Suggestions. And more.

(*Give us a little time to let our ideas take shape here. We'll try to keep simple whatever we'll come up with here. As keeping things simple means to keep it easy to try things out. And succeed. But still, however simple it may be in the end, it takes some time to write it down.)

Two more Words on Being.

»We all are several, many. An abundance of selves. Within our own selfs' vast colony all kinds of people do exist, all thinking and feeling in their own different ways.«

Fernando Pessoa (1888 – 1935)
portuguese Poet and Novelist

»I am big. I hold multitudes.«

Walt Whitman (1819 – 1892)
American Poet, Essayist and Journalist