Joy. And:
Our philosophy is pretty simple. We keep it simple because we want it to work. We want it to foster change. We want it to help things get better. We want it to help people get better. And organizations. We want it to drive success. To drive development. We want it to help people feel good. And be good. To add to their personalities. To be happy. To make a difference. We want it to help people (and organisations) make their clients happy. And all people they work with – and who work with them. You're right: Quite a program. That's why we try to keep things: simple.
That's the scope of our work:
To make things better. To change things. To make things grow. To make people grow. To help them have fun.
Don't just bash on.
This is no doubt one of the core topics of our work — in coaching as well as in consulting processes: To convince our clients of the fact that, whatever business they're in, a more of the same won't do. We can clearly see this in all parts of society, and, with economy of course being a part of society, in business, too.
Change. Now. Quick.
Not so long ago, people, and businesses, somewhat tired of change-talk, would ask: Why, do we really have to change and change and change? Today, people, and businesses, wouldn't seriously go on asking. Pretty much everyone now is perfectly aware: Yes, we must. Urgently so. And quick, too. We must change, we must innovate, we must start new ways of thinking, of experimenting, of decision making. In short: Of acting.
Start talking with us.
We'll listen closely. To ask the right questions. To be sure we understood you correctly. To be able to tell you: What we'd do. What we'd work on. Together with you. To make change happen. To help things get better. To help people get better. To help things grow. To help people grow. To help business flourish. And people be happy.
Send us an e-mail:
mail @ schlicht nilshon . de
mail @ schlicht nilshon . de
Call: 49.89.2881810
Pay us a visit:
Harthauser Straße 71 a
81545 München
Harthauser Straße 71 a
81545 München
We're looking forward getting to know you.
Success? Growth?
Change? Happiness?
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Right. Happiness comes from taking one's time. And of course: Under pressure, walk slowly. But then: To overly slow down, to procrastinate things, might not be a good idea. Let's talk it over. Let's together find the right pace for making things happy – uhh – happen.
Relief of a Coach and Team,
roman, ca. 100 b.c.
Even when in a hurry – never rush your answers. Focus on asking right questions instead: